
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

  So I have a problem. As many of you know I use AOL. I'm not sure how easy it easy to save web sites on MS IE or other ISP's because hey I'm an AOL'er. It's not like I am cruising the REAL web. (Insert obligatory joke about moving the training wheels of the net and switching from AOL.) Well the problem is that I have a long list of stuff that I thought, "Gee whiz, I should put that on the page." Of course, I never did. Until now.
  Like karaoke? So does your computer.
  Some people don't need computers. I guess that a lot of those people reported The Irish Virus to Symantec. (Probably one of my fellow training wheel users.)
  Here's one for Evil Hippy. It's Stick Figure Warning signs.
  These breast cancer stamps are the regular 37 cent stamps that are for sale for 45 cent a piece. The extra change goes to breast cancer research. Just helping to support the cause by passing it around. (I'd buy them, but I only mail a letter about once every three months. The price of stamps go up before I use a whole book.)
  It's terrible what passes for news today. Warning: News stories may be dumber than they appear. Is this what passes for news? Isn't there a war somewhere we can talk about? A murder? Butterflies? Anything?
  And now from the irony department, the second richest man is claiming that CEO's get paid too much.
  If you've been watching Dennis Miller lately, you've been seeing Star Parker on the panel lately. (No, that's not that woman from The View.) Star Parker is founder of C.U.R.E., The Coalition On Urban Renewal and Education. I have to admit I like the cut of this woman's jib.
  That's it for now folks, except for the fact that I have updated the bookends

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