
Wednesday, March 03, 2004

  In my wanderings around the web, I have discovered Teen Girl Squad. It's created by someone named Strong Bad. I highly recommend reading the e-mails that he posts on the site as well. The one about caffeine is from somebody in Murfreesboro.
  And while I am on the topic of crappy flash animation, have you seen the Spongmonkeys on the quizno's commercial? What are the Spongmonkeys? See for yourself. They are promoting a deal at Quizno's right now. It says that if you bring in a coupon (any coupon, even someone else's), they will give you a dollar off a sub. No, really read the rules.
  As many of you know, I just returned from vacation with MeMa. I learn a great many things on these trips with MeMa which is why I have started to record her. One of the things I learned was that preparation H will remove bags under your eyes, but you need to be cautious with this remedy. If improperly applied, you might wind up with a squint worse than Clint Eastwood.
  Well, that's all for right now. Today's thought of the day comes from Mark Twain....
  "When I was a youngster I attended school at a place where the use of the birch rod was a hallowed tradition," recollected Mark Twain. "It was against the rules to mark the desks in any manner, the penalty being a fine of $3 or public chastisement.
  Happening to violate the rule on one occasion, I was offered the choice. I told my father about it, and as he seemed to think it would be too bad for me to be publicly punished, he gave me the $3. Now at that period of my existence $3 was a large sum while a whipping was of little consequence, and so-" Here Twain paused thoughtfully and flicked a few ashes from his cigar. "And so that was how I earned my first $3."
From page 189 of the book to the right.

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