
Friday, February 13, 2004

Wow! Seeing as how this is black history month, here's a little bit of history of which I have never heard until today. It's Mississippi's Sovereignty commission. It seems that in the fifties that Mississippi "feared" integration so much after Brown vs. The Board of Education that they felt in necessary to set up a government organization. Oh yeah, that and they were trying to protect themselves "from perceived "encroachment thereon by the Federal Government or any branch, department or agency thereof."

It's amazing the things that people do to each other. How one person can view another "person" as less than animal. (Although, I'm sure that many of the "good people" commission would be up set about the fact that I am calling blacks people.) It's amazing that this commission wasn't dissolved until 1977. It's amazing that black people today can feel oppressed. I say you wasn't to feel oppression, try taking a water hose or the dogs or not being allowed to even sit on a bus.

Of course, the Christians take the same stance when people oppose the ten commandments in the courthouse. No, I believe the real oppression was when they were getting dipped in wax and burned to light the roads in Rome. And it has been a while since anybody's been fed to the lions. But I get side tracked. Go to the website. Learn some stuff. It pisses me off that we can't talk about this stuff anymore. I've lived in the south all my life and have never heard of this stuff.

I'm sure that most southerners younger than I, only know George Wallace as a comedian. It's sad. None of us know where we come from.

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