
Monday, February 09, 2004

Well tomorrow is the day for local elections. I went to the county election website and wanted to look up a ballot for tomorrow. Nothing. I looked up the Daily Newsless Urinal. I did a search on that site using some of the candidates names. Not much. So I call the election commission (898-7743) to ask what's the deal? I express my disappointment over the lack of ballot on the website. She says she is sorry, but she doesn't know why it isn't there. I understand, so what exactly do I have to vote on? Property Assessor (six candidates) and Road Superintendent (uncontested). What's the point? I'm pretty sure that they aren't going to let me vote in the Democrats primaries. even if I could, Clark would be my guy and he isn't going to make it.

So, here I am, Gunny Walker, telling you not to vote tomorrow. Just don't waste your time. Go do something much more sensible, like buy some lottery tickets. (Of course that's sarcasm. While I did vote for the lottery, I feel that smoking your money would benefit you more.)

Screw your rights. All those veterans didn't die just so I could elect some Boner into office.

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