Sunday, February 01, 2004
So anyway, the Superbowl has started. Not that I really care. I don't watch sports. I just want to see the advertisements. Question: How long does a football game last? Answer: Four hours.
I don't need to see Beyonce singing the national anthem. What I want to see is a flag in the lower left corner of the screen. You see that's a tradition. Put your hand over your heart, look at the flag, and remember what a great country that we live in. Even with all the problems that we have, patriot act, income tax, corporate raping of the individual, whatever left-wing right-wing whacko idea you happen to believe in, this still is a pretty good country. The wacko idea that I believe in is jingoism.
The creepy thing is that this is one of the times that you actually find the Wal-Mart empty.
I miss the old days of the Bud Bowl. Back when they little beer bottles playing football against one another. They were much more interesting than the game ever was. It was a demonstration in finding ways around the rules. It was thinking outside the box if there ever was. I wish they would bring it back even if it was cheap flash animation.
I don't need to see Beyonce singing the national anthem. What I want to see is a flag in the lower left corner of the screen. You see that's a tradition. Put your hand over your heart, look at the flag, and remember what a great country that we live in. Even with all the problems that we have, patriot act, income tax, corporate raping of the individual, whatever left-wing right-wing whacko idea you happen to believe in, this still is a pretty good country. The wacko idea that I believe in is jingoism.
The creepy thing is that this is one of the times that you actually find the Wal-Mart empty.
I miss the old days of the Bud Bowl. Back when they little beer bottles playing football against one another. They were much more interesting than the game ever was. It was a demonstration in finding ways around the rules. It was thinking outside the box if there ever was. I wish they would bring it back even if it was cheap flash animation.
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