
Friday, February 27, 2004

  So I try really hard to do original things here on the website, and I feel that I have been pretty good about it, so to celebrate, I'm going to copy something from Big Stupid Tommy.
1. Are you now or have you ever been a communist?
  This brings up a funny story. When I was a kid my brother used to give me a hard time saying that since I didn't like mustard on my hot dogs that I must be a communist. You see, I liked ketchup which is red. The fact that I had such a favoritism for the red communist that meant that I be communist because the color reminded me of my native motherland. No, I have never been a communist. Communism encourages mooches.
  I have since started preferring mustard to ketchup on my hot dogs, but have also switched from mustard to hot sauce on bologna sandwiches.
2a. If you could be a tree, any tree, which tree would you be?
  I would be one of those really tough trees the Wizard Of Oz. Then nobody would mess with me.
2b. Which would you not be?
  Hedge apple (if that's a tree.) Because no one would really know what I was.
3. What's 2+2?
  Well, I'd have to say 11. (base 3) Sorry guys Tommy took the good joke here.
4. How would you describe your novel?
Unwritten and seriously underdeveloped.
5. How much time did you waste writing all this up?
  About twelve minutes.

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