
Monday, February 16, 2004

  Okay so here's a bit more about this years election...
"What do we want?"

"Peace," the crowd answered.

"What do we want?" the guy screamed again.

"Peace!" Now the river of people roared the word. The sound boomed through my chest. No one was laughing.

"What do we want?" the guy demanded again.

And this time, Supreme pointed his megaphone at the sky. "A pony!" he screamed, his amplified voice rising over the roar.

Next time around, pretty much everyone in the crowd had defected to Supreme's chant. "What do we want?" "A pony," hundreds of people hooted. Some young women near me bobbed up and down. "A pony, a pony," they squealed.

  Of course, this is a story about Vermin Supreme, an actual presidential candidate. He doesn't have a website that I can find, so you'll have to go to this story. I would like to announce my official endorsement of a candidate. Vote for Vermin Supreme, people. Well, that is if he's actually on the ballot.
  Also from the pissing-away-a-vote department, Kucinich reports on how well his campaign is going. (For those that don't want to wade through the Larry King transcript.)
KING: Are you going to -- is Maine -- do you think you have a chance in Maine to win on Sunday?

KUCINICH: To win? We're going to do well in Maine, but you know, I'm finally starting to pop up above the surface of the campaign. You know, I finally got more than 1 percent in some places, 2 percent in Arizona, 3 percent in North Dakota and maybe 5, 6, percent in New Mexico. We're starting to finally demonstrate, you know, a heartbeat to the campaign. And I think Maine is the next place where we can look to have some help.

  Congrats to Dennis for breaking through that 1 percent. Grab that tin ring buddy!
  Also, Bob Dole was on the daily show tonight. Mr. Dole is a pretty funny guy and puts on a good show. If you ever get the chance to see him there, Do it.

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