Saturday, February 21, 2004
  I have arrived in Webster, which is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from Big Brother, Sidekick, and Sister-in-Law, Sunshine. I'm not really comfy with using their real names, so they get to have nicknames now. Sidekick and Sunshine are out of town. Sidekick makes his money in teaching Taekwon Do and Sunshine married into the business. They are at a meeting in Florida and won't be back until tomorrow night.
  I so have some things that I would like to point out about the trip...
  Good night folks.
  I so have some things that I would like to point out about the trip...
- It's a little scary to find out that your flight attendant is not official yet, and your flight gets to be her test.
- Continental's plane was not much bigger than a bus. It had only three seats to a row. So I got a window, MeMa got a aisle seat, and the lady across the aisle got the best of both worlds. Call her Miss Lucky.
- I had to tell MeMa numerous times, "No that is not Tunica below us. One it's not on a river, and two, it's not big enough.
- It was a nice touch when the pilot stated, "For those of you on the left side of the plane, you can see my home town of Bon Aqua, Tennessee."
- It was very unprofessional when he said, "And those of you on the right side of the plane can look out and pretty much nothing as well."
- I had no problem with the tickets, car, or room.
- I did however have a problem with the lady at the rental agency going up the escalator. MeMa gets very nervous about escalators after she fell on one a few years ago. (She'd rather take the stairs, elevator, or, if
my suspision is correct, a knotted rope. - I was a little shocked when some one complained at the desk about not having a coffee pot. The lady at the desk asked, "Did you check the dishwasher?" (Dishwasher? I've got a dishwasher? Yep, and a stove as well.)
- If you travel with a laptop, you must remove it from the case before you send it through the scanner. Don't worry about the fact that you've also got enough wiring to turn the digital camera there into a bomb. They aren't going to want to see that.
- I still can't imagine why Sidekick and Sunshine would want to live in a town as big as Houston.
  Good night folks.
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