
Saturday, February 07, 2004

Got a fortune cookie the other day, it said, "You are waiting for big changes in your future." I'll say. I can't wait until I can get rid of radioactive waste that I mistakenly bought on e-bay. (And here I thought it would be so cool.) The back of the fortune said, "Name ten things you hate waiting for."

What is this essay time? I don't need this from a fortune cookie. This isn't Mrs Foster's wring class all over again. No Mr. Fortune Coookie, dispense me your sage-like vaguely-relevant advice or give me an utter piece of crap for your prediction, but any attempts to make me think whilst enjoying your wisdom will only make me realize how stupid it is to put any stock in anything written in a cookie.

And next time, try to write it in Engrish. Because if I can't figure out exactly what has been written, then that makes it more interesting.

Okay, so I said that there would be some changes around here, well after doing my walk, and then going to the bank, then putzng around on the internet for a bit, it ain't going to happen. Get over it, people. You know who you are. You already know I'm a slacker. What did you expect? Stuff delivered when I said it would be? That's crazy!

In other news, Christ has RSVP'ed. (again) The second coming will be April 5th, 2004. Try to look busy. (Scroll to the bottom to see what I mean.)

Of course, the classic joke is that whenever you get a fortune cookie, look at the paper and say as if you are reading it, "Help! I'm trapped in a cookie factory!" Of course, don't be surprised if no one laughs at that one.

Oh yeah, one more link, the dialectizer. Try it on your favorite site!

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